Thursday, February 12, 2015

Compilation Poem February 12, 2015 by the Writers of SFYS

The Body Clocking Wayward

The body is given to oblivion
Feet anchored in the memories of ancient wars
An organism of exquisite art
memories so sweet they seem stolen
determined  and determining
innocence died screaming in you
Stuck in the gaze of new eyes
time trespassed into vision-
sight trespassed into time
hours away, miles away
I hear the clocks ripening,
ripened without permission this decay of the mind
cracks in the skin of the sky
no longer bitter hearts and bitter minds
a redundancy of syllables of self loathing
so we cannot see far down the road
clocking wayward
I have a memory of an echo
of seeing the knife cutting
deep into your finger before it happened
So- add another layer of glass to those cliffs of insanity
and stop doing back-flips of cadmium blue- star-struck
a body given to oblivion

(Compiled by Paul Francis)

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