Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Featured Writer J. Scott Bronson, June 11 2015

We tried a new format for our featured writer in June and it went really well!  J. Scott Bronson, local playwright and novelist, shared his work at three points during the open mic and then followed up with a brief question and answer session.  First, Scott and Kat (yes, that Kat: our server extraordinaire!) read a short play about a husband and a wife who can't quite get rid of the goldfish centerpieces from the wedding.  The second installment was an excerpt from a soon-to-be-published novel and the third installment was an excerpt from an engaging young adult novel about shape shifters.  Most of our featured writers have been poets so it was fun to hear from a prose writer.  Best of all, we got to pick his brain about all things writerly. Hopefully we'll have Scott back on occasion to share more of his work!

 Scott and Kat!

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